【同义词辨析】 2019-03-08 折磨afflict-rack

afflict: applies to the causing of any pain or suffering or of acute annoyance, embarrassment, or any distress: many aged persons who are ~ed with blindness.

try: suggests an imposing of something that strains the powers of endurance or self-control: young children often ~ their parent’s patience.

torment: suggests persecution or the repeated inflicting of suffering or annoyance: the horses are ~ed by flies.   persecute迫害不断刁难implies a relentless and unremitting subjection to annoyance or suffering使人不断遭受烦恼痛苦,如a boy with a clubfoot persecuted by his playmates一个畸形足的男孩被玩伴不断刁难

torture: implies the unbearable pain or suffering: ~ed his captive by withholding food.

rack: stresses straining or wrenching: a mind ~ed by guilt.

afflict折磨: 泛指造成痛苦折磨或烦恼难堪压力,try忍无可忍: 表示使人丧失忍耐自制能力,torment折磨: 表示迫害不断刁难,使痛苦烦恼,torture折磨: 指难以忍受的痛苦折磨,rack折磨: 强调挤压扭拧般痛苦

记忆方法: 1)首字母ATTTR中,3T想成很疼AR想成,即很疼啊<==折磨  

          2)折磨的意思是使人遭受痛苦mean to inflict on a person something that is hard to bear.  inflict泛指使人遭受不快痛苦to cause something unpleasant or harmful to someone,如to inflict pain/injury/punishment使人遭受痛苦/受伤/惩处,如they inflicted serious injuries on three other men他们使其他三人严重受伤,如nor was the long-drawn ordeal of the condemned cell inflicted either upon the condemned man or his gaolers once upon a time在从前,死刑犯或监狱看守都无需遭受长期的折磨,是新四最后一段段首)